
The Trauma of 2021

A 2021 Reflection by Elise –

As I head into the space of saying goodbye to 2021, I’m reflecting on the trauma, the anger, the frustration, the hurt & turmoil it brought with it for myself and the team.

The first 2 lockdowns that hit us  in February & May, I had drive and motivation to work on the business, create content, work on the website and tidy up loose ends I never had time for when I’m helping on the floor. I was energised knowing i had this surprise and gift of extra time i needed to utilise and not waste.

By the time the June, July & August lockdowns happened I had lost all motivation. I just ate, did absolutely nothing and fell into a big ugly hole!

It was incredibly hard to get going again after each ‘reopening’ and when clients came in after a lockdown they would share their excitement ‘aren’t you excited to be reopen!?’

After the 6th reopening I just couldn’t hide it anymore.

It sucked, it took the life out of me and the team.

Going in & out of lockdowns was absolutely horrific.

Having your life and business turned upside down by reactive ‘career politicians’ who felt it necessary to close some industries but ensured the football was still on, made allowances for movie stars to come and go as they please, but wouldn’t let me or my dear dad travel to NSW for my grandpas final days earth side, or even attend his funeral infuriated me!

To have your ability to work, provide and serve stripped away from me, but somehow it became some kind of normality and something people began to anticipate, made me so angry.

At the time we all just had to wear a smile, and get on with the show, the tears and anger were kept to the back room most days.

When a lockdown was announced, adrenaline would kick in and we would all dig deep to stay back till midnight to bring clients forward and do what we could before we were shut down again.

Then to end an already horrific year, myself, Kat & Samantha contracted #covid_19 and the trauma just got harder.

The stress and shame of having to tell clients, friends and family you had covid and pray to GOD you were not the one to pass it on…

100 clients were pushed into isolation at the time, and the anxiety that was felt anticipating the chance you possibly infected a client that was vulnerable, was awful.

There wasn’t too much time to dwell on what was going on, as my focus very quickly went to Kat, who was in ICU on Oxygen for a week and Samantha was severely unwell at home.

Our team rallied to help and support, but their own fears of infection were very scary for them at the time.

The fear that surrounded covid in a small community was intense, and we all felt it when we came back to work.

Trying to manage the health of a team in the busiest times of the year normally, the focus was on our team first. This decision caused turmoil with clients and we all copped it from disgruntled clients who had to be cancelled for the 5th time this year.

It’s now December 21st and we still have our team not operating at full capacity.

This year will go down as one we will remember but kind of want to forget.

I have reservations for 2022.

Much love and light to everyone, I pray for healing and hope next year,


What’s planned for us?

A new fresh change for our teams are coming, new directions, exciting expansions and renovations are in the planing stage, which in turn will breathe life and spark into our sacred spaces.

Let’s Go!

Much love xx